Wednesday, January 05, 2005
A personal two-fer: A new reason to distrust the Times and more people who won't read the New Yorker
Posted by:
Hammer / 4:20 PM
Atrios, Ann Northrop writes to the New York Times to dispute the Times's statement that it "could find no authoritative source who could confirm any details of a relationship" between Susan Sontag and Annie Leibovitz:
I've read your note on the failure of The Times to include mention of Susan Sontag's relationship with Annie Liebovitz in her (Sontag's) obituary. I must say it leaves me with little respect for you or The Times fact-checking and research capabilities. Susan Sontag did talk about their relationship--in an essay in The New Yorker in which she referred to it as 'an open secret.' Ms. Sontag also had committed relationships with Lucinda Childs and other women.
A good day for me. Don't trust the Times, because their research is sloppy as heck. And if professional journalists in New York don't have to read The New Yorker, than lifelong Midwesterns can spurn that particular form of provincialism, as well.