CP has a great post up walking us down memory lane with Sen. Smilin' Norm Coleman (R-MN) and George Galloway. Smilin' Norm has done a great job of hiding from both Galloway and his responsibilities as chair of the Senate's permanent subcommittee on investigations.
Until last week, at least, when Coleman and his ilk launched a new attack on Galloway, again claiming that Galloway personally profited from the Oil for Food corruption. I don't know if Galloway is corrupt or not. I only know this. Galloway danced circles around Coleman the last time they went toe-to-toe and I'd love to see that again.
I don't know this, but I read it on the prestigious Internet. Apparently, Tariq Aziz, purportedly a witness against Galloway, has "denied telling investigators that George Galloway personally profited from the UN oil-for-food programme for Iraq." It's not a good sign when your evidence starts falling apart before the trial.