Found at the same link, also presented without comment:Former First Lady Barbara Bush -- last heard marveling at the good fortune that had befallen "underprivileged" Katrina refugees who found themselves relocated to Houston -- has written a check to the Katrina relief fund spearheaded by her husband and former President Bill Clinton.
The catch? As the Houston Chronicle reports, Mrs. Bush gave the money "with specific instructions" that it be spent "with an educational software company owned by her son Neil."
Crunching the numbers on a recent Pew poll, Sullivan discovers that 57 percent of the people who describe themselves as "secular" say that torture is either never or rarely justified. Only 49 percent of white Protestants and only 42 percent of Roman Catholics are similarly torture-averse. "In other words," Sullivan says, "if you are an American Christian, you are more likely to support torture than if you are an atheist or agnostic."