Damn, but it's a depressing day. We've got almost a foot of snow on the ground, but we also set a new greenhouse gas record.
"Greenhouse gases" in the Earth's atmosphere reached record highs in 2004 and are still climbing, the World Meteorological Organization said Tuesday.
But Leonard Barrie, chief of atmospheric research at WMO, said the greenhouse gases clearly posed a problem. "Given that the lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 50 to 200 years depending on how you calculate it ... it doesn't take a nuclear scientist to state that we're going to have this problem for a long time," he told reporters at U.N. offices in Geneva.
So we'll all drown in the end. But another 72 Iraqis won't have the chance to contemplate the end of days:
Iraqi police reported today that they had found the bodies of 72 people shot dead during the last 24 hours in a wave of apparently sectarian killings following Sunday's attack on a Shia market in Baghdad.
I though indiscriminate bombings were bad. Turns out, discriminate killings are far worse.
And, of course, the worst news of all: Satan is on the march. Didn't know it? Oh, yeah. God must've told Pat Robertson that Muslims are actually satanists...or something:
Outspoken US Christian evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson has accused Muslims of planning world domination, and said some were "satanic".
On his live television programme, The 700 Club, he said radical Islamists were inspired by "demonic power".
Howard Stern had to move to satellite radio, but this asshole Robertson is still doing live television? I don't find talking to porn stars all that entertaining (excepting Ron Jeremy), but it's far less offensive than what Robertson does on a daily basis.