Apparently, $1,000,000 is no longer enough to buy an ambassadorship to Belgium:
President George W. Bush pulled the plug on the nomination of Clayton businessman Sam Fox to be ambassador to Belgium after learning just minutes before Wednesday's confirmation hearing that Democrats had the votes to defeat him.
..."The Democrats decided to launch a jihad against him," said Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond, R-Mo.
Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., noted that Fox had support from both of Missouri's senators, Bond and Claire McCaskill, a Democrat.
"Here's one of the most esteemed members of the St. Louis community, and unfortunately Kerry makes past political contributions an issue," Coleman said. "No question he was qualified. I think they've forged a bad precedent here today."
...Fox, 77, is the national chairman of the Jewish Republican Coalition and has given more than $1 million to Republican candidates and causes since the 1990s, according to Federal Election Commission records.
When Fox testified before the committee last month, he was questioned by Kerry, D-Mass., about his $50,000 contribution to the Swift Boat group. Fox expressed no regrets. "When we're asked, we generally give," he said.
Well, for (A) I'm glad to see Kerry finally stand up for himself with regard to the Swift Boat Vets. Too bad it's 3 years too late. For (B), shouldn't Kit Bond be apologizing for using such radical language?
Labels: jihad, Kit Bond, Swift Boat Vets
Not so fast, my friend. I saw/heard something on the news yesterday that Herr Bush made a recess appointment for the guy. That's why they pulled the nomination.
What a bunch of creeps.
By 9:06 AM
, atIt's a trifecta of perfidy. First Dubya bitched about Congress taking a break, then he did the recess appointment, then he left DC for his spring break in Crawford. shame.
By Jerjo/Carjo, at 3:37 PM
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