I drove home. I couldn't take the snickering.
On the way home, I decided a vacation day was in order. The Missus had concerts all weekend, plus rehearsal Sunday night. That's powerful busy for a sedentary guy like me.
Forgetting my pants turned out pretty well.
Rapture Monday will have to wait for bed time...
Only someone who recently acquired an extra week of vacation would use such a day so cavalierly.
By 8:50 PM
, atOK, I get "No David", having read it scores of times (as will D in the coming years) but I have to ask, "what the hell is a yoga-tard?" On second thought, maybe I don't want to know as all it will do is place an image in my head I could do without. What ever happened to working out in shorts and a t-shirt? Or even a pair of sweatpants? One of the things I've always liked about the Uptown Y is that everyone there managed to get in pretty good shape without shopping anywhere more trendy than Target. Well, that and Ragstock, but that's a whole 'nother issue.
By 9:34 PM
, atA flesh-colored yoga-tard is what D accused me of wearing lo, these many years ago. Sunshine has not yet stopped guffawing.
In my defense, Sunshine is easily entertained. She keeps going to U2 concerts, for crying out loud.
Jambo and sweatpants...that seems right.
By 9:55 AM
, atD thinks about Jambo's legs far too much.
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