Knowing nothing about George Galloway, as I do, I am content to enjoy his shaming of Sen. Smilin' Norm Coleman (R-MN) regardless of whether Galloway illicitly profited from the Oil for Food program. If Galloway broke a law, he should be punished. But even if he broke a law, the Rope-A-Doping he gave Smilin' Norm was fun to watch.
Will there be a round 2? Norwegianity links to British reports where Galloway begs for a criminal charge that he can answer. I don't mean that figuratively, either. He's Galloway in the Guardian:
"I am demanding prosecution, I am begging for prosecution," Mr Galloway told Sky News. "I am saying if I have lied under oath in front of the senate, that's a criminal offence. Charge me and I will head for the airport right now and face them down in court as I faced them down in the senate room.
"Because I publicly humiliated this lickspittle senator Norman Coleman - one of [George] Bush's righthand men - in the US senate in May, this sneak revenge attack has been launched over the past 24 hours."
How specious. The current crop of Republican leaders would never indulge in revenge attacks against someone who publicly embarrassed them.