I finally broke down and ordered Times Select, the NYT's pay service that lets you read all the columnists you used to be able to get for free. It's a little galling but I really missed Paul Krugman and Frank Rich, as well as the majority of the work by Thomas Freidman, Nick Kristof and Bob Herbert. I even missed the occasional Maureen Dowd column, tho she is more hit and miss than the others. I figured I could justify the expense as part of my duties at 3WN since I would be able to pass along the more biting commentary of guys like Krugman that makes our little liberal hearts swoon. Little did I know that Times Select would lead to swooning of the more traditional sort. As long time readers know, regardless of the quality of her work, I have always thought Maureen Dowd was pretty darn hot as big time journalists go, and that was before this photo (that accompanied her replies to reader mail about a recent Times Magazine story) justified my Times Select payment the very first weekend:
We never got pictures like this of William Safire and thank god the Strib hasn't decided to send a photographer with KK on her own nightly singles bar trolls.