I won't have much to say about the congressional race in Minnesota's Sixth District. I think Michele Bachmann is an awful representative. I hope Bob Hill puts together a great team and runs a great race. It sounds like he's starting off on the right foot:
Hill says he has been tapping into Patty Wetterling's support network from her unsuccessful runs in 2004 and 2006, but he draws a distinction between her candidacy and his own: "There were so many times in the debates when Bachmann would say something that was demonstrably false, but Patty was so good-hearted that she didn't want to go for the jugular. This is a contact sport. The Republicans managed to paint Patty as extremist -- that's just remarkable. It won't happen to me. I'm going into every chamber of commerce to talk about health care; I'm going into church basements, into little towns -- this is not about party, this is about what kind of representative we want in Washington.
Labels: Bob Hill, Michele Bachmann