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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Minnesota 2nd district: Rowley in?

Posted by: Hammer / 11:07 AM

Libby Mae heard in on the radio. Ms. Hammer saw it on the ticker. The Strib makes it kinda, sorta, official:
Former Minneapolis FBI agent Coleen Rowley, who gained fame by publicly assailing the bureau's pre-Sept. 11 counter-terrorism lapses, said Monday that she is pondering a run for the U.S. House.

Rowley, of Apple Valley, said she is "seriously, seriously considering" running as a Democrat in Minnesota's eastern suburban Second District, a seat held by second-term Republican Rep. John Kline....

Angelyn Shapiro, a spokeswoman for Kline, brushed off questions about a Rowley candidacy, saying that the election is 500 days away and that Kline is immersed in congressional business.

John Kline whooped Teresa Daly pretty good in 2004: 56 to 40%.

Let me correct that. Compared to the rest of our quasi-permanent legislative delegation, Kline ran poorly. The only incumbent to fare worse than Kline was Mark Kennedy. Kline ran slightly ahead of Bush in the 2nd district (Kline: 56%, Bush: 54%), while Daly ran substantially worse than Kerry. (Daly: 40%, Kerry: 45%).

I have no idea what Rowley stands for, if anything. There's room for a conservative Democrat to seize the middle against John Kline, who is further to the right than Dennis Miller giving a ride to his entire audience on a bicycle built for two on the autobahn.

Come November, 2006, Kline's rubber stamp support for an unpopular, lame duck President who still doesn't know how to get American troops safely home from Iraq could be a great issue to campaign on.


Let's all play Dennis Miller.

Further to the right than the part in Sen. Carl Levin's comb-over is to the left.

By Blogger Joseph Thvedt, at 11:29 AM  

Oh please god yes yes yes (sorry Sally). This is my district and I have prayed for a decent candidate to run against Kline. This is great, just great. I don't know what she stands for and at this point I don't care. We finally have a recongnizable candidate to throw at this hard-core jarhead we call our Congressman

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:57 AM  

Scary, though, that all it takes is a "name" to express an interest to get us excited.

By Blogger Hammer, at 12:17 PM  

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