And for anyone who might ever get sick there is this by Paul Krugman. (Eric Alterman got it right when he said the country’s most important columnist is actually someone with a day job.) It’s a story of corruption, payoffs, and threats that anyone who pays close attention to healthcare policy already knows. Why it hasn’t caused an outrage in the general public I don’t know. He ends by saying he will soon explain who will fight for a better healthcare system:
I’ll make a prediction on what his answer will be: big American corporations. I have thought for several years that the final push for some sort of universal and/or government funded healthcare will not come from activists with “Single payer healthcare now!” bumper stickers but from American companies (GM being the most obvious example) that feel they are at a competitive disadvantage against foreign rivals who don’t have to pay for their employee’s health insurance. I think some enterprising politician could mount a pretty successful campaign by running on the single payer issue as a pro-business plan.