Kevin Drum provides more information on the malpractice reform swindle. Malpractice payouts are down, but cash surpluses are up, up, up.
In the law, the saying goes if you have bad facts, you argue the law. If you have bad law, you argue the facts. If you have bad facts and bad law, you're toast.
In politics, contrariwise, if you've got bad facts and bad policy, you have a third option: drown the issue with a thundercloud of money. Smilin' Norm Coleman's 2008 campaign hasn't yet left the station, but he's part of the gravy train:
No, $4,000 is not a large sum, but it is significant for a candidate who doesn't face reelection for another 4 years. INSURPAC has already donated over $200,000 so far in 2005 (include to the DCCC, DSCC, and the Every Republican is Crucial PAC). After spending over $100,000 to support Lisa Murkowski in 2004 alone, CAP-MPT has given about $40,000 to various candidates and groups so far in 2005.