This whole phony "War on Christmas" is just getting to be a little too much. Look, I don't care if you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah, Festivus, or the Moons of Meepzor. Enjoy yourself and follow whatever tradition seems appropriate to you. But I'm tired of a bunch of fundies whining because strangers in stores aren't making an affirmative acknowledgment of their religious beliefs every time they buy a 3-pack of tube socks. Unless their polo shirt has one of those little (footless) fish where the polo player usually is it's ridiculous for them to expect people to even know what their beliefs are.
So forget holiday greetings. From now on every time I buy something I want retailers to tell me I look like I've lost weight.
What if they tell you that have a thick lustrous head of hair?
By 4:02 PM
, atand decrease the surplus poundage
By 4:19 PM
, atOr what if they tell me I have kindhearted and supportive friends?
You want them to lie?
I'm genuinely surprised that fundamentalist Christians don't go ape shit every time O'Reilly talks about Jesus the philosopher. Seems to me that this is, in effect, secularizing Jesus. If you believe in the divinity of Jesus, diminishing a god to a philosopher is like comparing Brett Favre to Anthony Dilweg.
It's heretical to suggest that Jesus was not fully human in addition to being devine. So, maybe the fundies (and flat earthers and other assorted know-nothings) aren't bothered.??
By 10:04 AM
, atI don't understand how "happy holidays" can upset someone but "philospher Jesus" is perfectly okay.
Would it be more like comparing Favre to TJ Rubley?
By 11:37 AM
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