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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's all politics

Posted by: Hammer / 10:14 AM

Are you a political enemy? Then Dick Cheney wields supreme executive authority to declassify any national security information that could harm your career. Are you a political ally? Then the Bush administration will re-classify previously public informatoin to protect you and itself.

It's all politics.

The New York Times said the reclassification programme accelerated after President Bush took office and especially after the 9/11 attacks.

But because it runs in secrecy, it continued without being noticed until December 2005.

Bush has a speech touting renewable energy today at the lab where 32 workers were laid off. The workers were rehired over the weekend to limit bad press. The lab isn't fully funded: this is just a photo-op stop-gap:

Philip Clapp, president of the National Environmental Trust, said the decision restores only $5 million of the $28 million budget shortfall at the lab that forced the layoffs.

"The $5 million stopped the bodies from going out the door, but it doesn't provide the money for the (renewable energy) programs," Clapp said.

It's all politics.

Anti-gay activists in 16 states are now want to put gay adoption on the ballot:

Efforts to ban gays and lesbians from adopting children are emerging across the USA as a second front in the culture wars that began during the 2004 elections over same-sex marriage.

Steps to pass laws or secure November ballot initiatives are underway in at least 16 states, adoption, gay rights and conservative groups say. Some - such as Ohio, Georgia and Kentucky - approved constitutional amendments in 2004 banning gay marriage.

"Now that we've defined what marriage is, we need to take that further and say children deserve to be in that relationship," says Greg Quinlan of Ohio's Pro-Family Network, a conservative Christian group.

Clearly, then, Quinlan wants legislation that only allows straight, married couples to adopt children. That's not what the Ohio billlaw says:

A group of conservative legislators is trying to enact the nation’s most restrictive gay-parenting law, making it illegal for "homosexual, bisexual or transgender" Ohioans to adopt or serve as foster parents.

...His legislation, however, would not ban adoption or foster parenting by single mothers or fathers.

'Cause it's all politics.


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