From the latest Kennedy fund-raising letter. All passages are pasted directly from the letter, which is curiously free of fact:
As you and I both know, Washington doesnt have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem! Thats why Ive authored the Line-Item Veto to give the President, whether Democrat or Republican, the ability to strike out needless pork barrel spending projects.
Makeover Mark goes on to tout votes against $30 million in earmarks. $30 million? Curiously, he doesn't provide any links or vote numbers to verify his claim. I'm sure his numbers are correct, but wonder why he can't provide hard evidence.
According to a piece in the Wall Street Journal, the war in Iraq costs about $6 billion a month. Or about $9 million an hour. So Mark Kennedy has voted against ear marks totaling 4 hours (roughly) or spending in Iraq.
Tell me: what the hell does Mark Kennedy think that vote is going to accomplish?