Couple this:
with the fact that the Republican party is dead set against raising the minimum wage and you have the final test for us Democrats. The Republicans essentially feel that Americans should have less money and less sex. If we can't can't defeat that agenda we deserve to go the way of the Whigs.The federal government's "no sex without marriage" message isn't just for kids anymore.
Now the government is targeting unmarried adults up to age 29 as part of its abstinence-only programs, which include millions of dollars in federal money that will be available to the states under revised federal grant guidelines for 2007.
Now that's good framing. If John Kerry had used that as a joke instead of his "stuck in Iraq" punchline, he'd be favorably re-shown on all the Sunday shows.
The Bush appointee to the Dept. of H&HS family planning agency, Dr. Eric Keroack, is a big proponent of abstinence for adults. He even practiced it between marriages.
By 5:56 PM
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