Friday, June 03, 2005
Truth in searching
Posted by:
Hammer / 12:35 PM
Is it strange to highlight a
three year old quote?
"[Senator Mady] Reiter took offense when Sen. Steve Kelley, DFL-Hopkins, compared a Pledge of Allegiance requirement to the rituals of Nazi Germany.
Kelley said he believes the veterans in the committee room fought to ensure that the United States never would see the 'lack of liberty' that Nazi Germany imposed upon its people." Source: Star Tribune, February 28, 2002
This is horrible.
I thought it strange. So, I searched one Strib archive and couldn't find any articles mentioning Steve Kelley with the term "Nazi" during the last 10 years. I searched the
Strib site and found 3 mentions of "Nazi" in February, 2002, but nothing about Steve Kelley. I searched the entire 2002 archive and found
I'm not claiming the quote is false, but I'd like to verify the context. That's hard to do when the article itself seems to have disappeared.