About five minutes before calling reports that he had been asked to lead the Rove defense "overstated", Sen. Smilin' Norm Coleman (R-MN) was leading the defense of embattled White House adviser Karl Rove:
My Democratic Friends Would Be Doing The Nation A Great Service If They Spent Half As Much Time Getting Legislation Passed That Will Benefit The Country As They Do In Attacking Karl Rove.
We Have Enough To Do In The Senate In Minding Our Own Business Than To Be Sticking Our Noses Into Someone Else’s Business. Everyone Needs To Cool The Rhetoric, Focus On The Business Of The People, And Allow The Investigation To Run Its Course.
Smilin' Norm told the Strib: "There's nothing in the facts right now in front of us that infers any violation of the law." Huzzah for Norm, because he said something literally true. As a former prosecutor, he might've added that there are very few facts in front of us because all the testimony has been before a grand jury. Grand jury proceedings -- unless Kenneth Starr is involved -- are secret.
As a college graduate, Coleman also might've known the difference between "implies" and "infers".