Oh, Jesus. Just how threatened is Jake Coyle of the AP by blogs? He's fact checking jokes:
Many writers saw a sexist aspect to Bush's back rub. "This isn't a Sigma Chi kegger, it's the G-8 Summit," wrote blogger Christy Hardin Smith on Firedoglake.com.
(Bush was actually in Delta Kappa Epsilon. Another Web 2.0 truism: Blogs are not always friendly with the facts.)
How long before Coyle fact checks the Daily Show's report on Ted Stevens's description of the Internet? 'Cause, you know, horses don't literally run through tubes on the Internet. That's a joke.
It's not like reporting Hillary Clinton was criticizing Democrats when, in fact, she was criticizing Republicans.
Could the good people at Sigma Chi (Yale) throw a kegger? Sure looks like it. Could there be behavior at such a kegger that would be inappropriate for a G-8 summit? I think so. I'm not an expert in the comedy jokes, but I betcha Geechy Guy would agree that "Simga Chi kegger" has a better comedic rhythm than "Delta Kappa Epsilon kegger".