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Friday, September 29, 2006

Email efforts

Posted by: Hammer / 8:11 AM

I'm subscribed to many email lists for Democrats and Republicans. Over the last week or so, the Republicans have sent out a huge volume of emails. Reminders about absentee ballots, bills on the Hill, events for candidates, and solicitations. The usual stuff, but at an unusual rate. My email has been running 5:1 Republican.

I don't know whether this is good news or bad news, intentional and coincidental. It seems a little early to be making a big push, so maybe Republicans are starting to panic a little bit. On the other hand, maybe Republicans are just better organized. Certainly we've learned that Republicans are closers. They've taken home the Cadillac the last few elections while the Democrats have been lucky to get the steak knives.

No answers here, just an observation.


Of course in politics second place is "you're fired."

By Blogger Jambo, at 11:12 AM  

I've noticed the same thing. What's really amazing is that I've yet to be told by any sort of DFL outlet that I need to file an absentee ballot. Absentee voting is one of the most important things you can do in an election.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:33 PM  

The Democrats seem to be more interested in idealogical purity than in winning elections.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 AM  

There are at least two big camps on the left and you can't belong to both. You've got the liberal wing and the DLC wing, with fringe members on either side -- Kucinich maybe on the far left and Lieberman to the right of the DLC.

By Blogger Hammer, at 11:41 AM  

I got a form in the mail today to request an absentee ballot. It was from the Republicans with a list of everyone they thought I should vote for. I've been an active member of the DFL for years now and they have gotten my address dozen times, why do I get the applicatin from the Republican's but not the DFL? If one from the DFL does eventually show up I'll let you know.

By Blogger Jambo, at 9:16 PM  

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