Of course, blogging about blogging about a television show about a television show about blogging makes perfect sense to me.
Surfer Girls writes well. I enjoy her prose, but I think her substance too often misses the mark:
Surfer Girl's point -- that these anchors have important jobs they should take seriously, prepare for, and perform well -- is not lost on me.The Daily Howler has made the point before:
Besides this fine publication, and Media Matters, Olbermann's blog is one of the only others I read regularly. I like him. He is sincere. He is not interested in bashing you across the face with a political stance; he just gives you the news with a unique angle. Also, as of today, Keith has the least-annoying news program on 24hourcablenews.
By 10:41 AM
, atCareful, monostereo, lest you incur the wrath of the Surfer Girl apologists.
Olbermann rules. He and Jon Stewart are my only sources of TV news since the tragic 2004 presidential election.
By 11:14 AM
, at
As a new resident of Stillwater, I am also quite smitten by this blog dealing with my kook/dingbat representative, Michelle Bachmann. She needs to be sent somewhere, possibly to hell.
By 12:12 PM
, at
I like Surfer Girl, but would agree she misses the mark with her comments regarding Olbermann. I also rarely watch Countdown, but regularly read his blog. Olbermann's blog offers insight and content that would be out of place on Countdown.
I can't speak to the Matthews, Abrams or Scarborough blogs.
By 12:12 PM
, atI like Surfer Girl's style, but it seems like I disagree with her a lot. And about important stuff, too, like Dylan covers.
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