Thursday, May 12, 2005
Empty Suit Thursday: Double the pleasure
Posted by:
Hammer / 1:07 PM
I missed an update last week, so here's two weeks of quick 'n dirty Smilin' Norm Coleman news:
- Smilin' Norm still backs John Bolton, serial abuser of intelligence, subordinates, teary-eyed puppies, and the truth.
- Smilin' Norm is getting ready to name names in his investigation of the U.N. oil for food program. Kofi Annan should wake up and put a Republican in change. Coleman won't investigate a Republican, no matter how many American soldiers die as a result of fraud and incompetence.
- Smilin' Norm bought himself a piece of Mark Kennedy. The only thing worse for Minnesota than one Senator Coleman is a Senator Coleman plus a Senator who owes Coleman something.
- Smilin' Norm can't decide whether to back CAFTA and win points for staying loyal to Bush or to vote the interest of his constituents. It's a toughie for the man with no core.
- Smilin' Norm promised not to undo abortion rights as a Senator. But that was 2002. Now he's four-square behind the nuclear option, specially designed to put zealots on the bench who will not only end a woman's dominion over her body, but would bar them from wearing shoes during the course of the unwanted pregnancies.
- Smilin' Norm was against Social Security privatization but in favor of personal accounts. Now he's against benefit cuts but in favor of linking benefits to price inflation rather than wage growth. Of course, under the Bush plan Social Security would replace 26% (or less) of your pre-retirement income. If 26% is less than 36%, it's a cut.
- Smilin' Norm made the big time -- a lie so public Media Matters caught it. Smilin' Norm is claiming a $15 trillion Social Security shortfall. Over the next 75 years, the gap is only $3.7 tirllion. That gap could be closed by moderate economic growth, a partial repeal of the Bush income tax cuts for millionaires, a repeal of Paris Hilton's tax cut, or even aggressively negotiating Medicare drug prices.