CP has some new information on stem cell research prospects. Meanwhile, the American Life League complains that stem cell research hasn't cured anything yet:
...A pro-life advocate contends that Senator Arlen Specter does not represent the values of the Republican Party because he favors embryonic stem-cell research (ESCR). To Joe Starrs of the American Life League, ESCR is nothing more than an unproven and unnecessary experimental process that destroys human life. He says this kind of research has failed to produce a single cure for any medical condition or even any genuine promise of a potential cure. That is why Starrs has a hard time understanding why people like Senator Arlen Specter are so angry that federal funding of ESCR is limited... Apparently, Starrs asserts, Specter has joined the likes of Nancy Reagan and the late Christopher Reeve in using a personal situation to lobby for the destruction of human embryos, supposedly to advance medical knowledge.
I understand the belief that human life begins at the moment of conception. I disagree with that belief, but I understand it. I don't understand complaining that nascent medical research has failed to cure anything. We don't have a cure for AIDS, or cancer, or the common cold, so I suppose we should forgo this "medical research" racket altogether.